Monterey's location on the rugged Central Coast makes it a year-round tourist destination. Its downtown area has numerous bars and restaurants which attract large crowds nightly. Monterey has its share of crime. However, the city does not report large violent crime numbers compared to other cities in the county.
The Monterey Police Department currently staffs thirty-one police officers (plus sergeants and detectives) who are patrolling the streets looking for reasons contact or pull people over. Because there is little serious violent crime (such as rape and murder) in Monterey, the police have plenty of time to focus on DUIs and other crimes, such as domestic violence.
There is only one smart way to deal with the police when stopped and questioned. Do not answer any questions. Give them your identification. Be respectful and state that you don't wish to answer questions. (Read here about the importance of remaining silent.) That way, you won't give the police any words to twist, misinterpret, or use against you. They won't be able to write in their report that your speech was slurred, that you made admissions, or that you lied about something. (Never lie to the police. The best policy is to politely, but firmly, refuse to answer any questions.)
The Monterey Police Department is aggressive in its DUI pullover and arrest tactics. (Read the dos and don'ts of a DUI pullover.) Officers sit in their patrol cars near drinking establishments and wait for someone to make a simple mistake like failing to signal, or not coming to a complete stop, or forgetting to turn on their headlights when leaving a well-lit parking garage. Monterey is a confusing place to drive for people who haven't lived here a while. It is very easy for a sober driver to turn the wrong way on a one-way street. Even the most minor deviation from perfect driving is enough for the police to stop someone. If the officer smells alcohol coming from the car, or the driver admits to drinking alcohol, the police are going to conduct a DUI investigation.
The Monterey Police Department is zealous about investigating and arresting people accused of domestic violence, DUI and other crimes. People are prosecuted in Monterey even though their partners do not want this to happen (Read about why this occurs.)
The Monterey County District Attorney is zealous about prosecuting DUI, domestic violence and other offenses. If you are accused of a crime in Monterey, you need a zealous and effective legal team to defend you.
We have enjoyed over two decades of defending our clients in Monterey. We seek to win a dismissal or not guilty verdict in every case. We consider our client as a whole person rather than simply a legal issue. We will discuss not only your case with you but how it affects your life, career and family.
Call us now for a free, confidential consultation. (831)783-0222.