How Much is Bail for Domestic Violence in California?
Bail for domestic violence charges in California will vary depending upon which county you were arrested in. Most counties use a bail schedule which sets forth set amounts for each crime.
Bail for domestic violence charges in California will vary depending upon which county you were arrested in. Most counties use a bail schedule which sets forth set amounts for each crime.
Recent DUI accident in Salinas (Monterey County)
DUI Death case in Marina (Monterey County).
Commercial driver arrested for DUI. We saved his commercial license and his job.
We recently had two more DUI cases dismissed. In both cases, there were accidents and high blood alcohol levels.
In California, the crime of Assault With a Deadly Weapon (ADW) is defined by Penal Code Section 245(a)(1). Typically, this crime is filed as a felony charge, although it is a “wobbler” and can be filed as a misdemeanor as well. In order to prove ADW, the prosecutor has to prove two main componen...
Domestic violence is not always a felony. Whether or not a charge is filed as a misdemeanor or felony depends largely upon the seriousness of the injury.
Five count felony case dismissed
As of January 1, 2021, California Penal Code Section 1001.95 allows a judge to grant diversion in most misdemeanor cases. When a criminal defendant is granted diversion, their case is put “on hold” while the defendant complies with terms laid out by the judge; if the defendant complies with the j...
When you are arrested for a crime in California, the record of your arrest is public information. This is true even if the prosecutor never files criminal charges or if your case is later dismissed. An arrest can show up on a background check requested by potential employers, schools, landlords, insurance companies, etc.
DUI drug case dismissed. We proved that the search (blood draw) following our client's arrest was performed in violation of the client's 4th Amendment rights to be free from illegal search and seizure.
Felony Sex Case in which our client was charged with multiple counts of statutory rape with multiple victims resulted in a huge bail reduction and no jail time.
Criminal theft charges were dismissed for a Salinas woman who is now attending nursing school with a clean criminal record.
This Monterey misdemeanor arrest for reckless driving was dismissed due to the dogged determination of Brett Hartmann who would stop fighting until he got this outcome.
A Salinas woman was arrested for Battery and advised by her public defender to plead guilty. Once she hired our firm we moved the court for diversion, which the court granted. Our client will have no criminal record and her arrest record will be sealed.
Seaside Domestic Violence Case Dismissed Do not simply plead guilty to a domestic violence charge without talking to an attorney. There may be many ways to defend your case.
Refusal hearings are extremely difficult to win at DMV but, attorney Phillip Crawford just won three and saved his clients from a minimum one year license suspension.
Pleading to a "wet reckless" instead of a DUI saved client's job.
If the police illegal searched you, your house or your property, you need legal advice now. There may be grounds to have your case dismissed.
What is DUI School and How Does it Work in California? In California, when you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, there are two cases against you: (1) the traditional criminal case that is handled in the local Superior Court; and (2) the DMV “Admini...
The new law regarding Interlock devices are confusing. Contact our office for a free consultation at (831) 783-022.
California's new misdemeanor diversion law may allow you to avoid a criminal conviction. However, if you are granted diversion, you must be aware that the judge will impose potentially onerous requirements on you. If you don't complete these requirements you will be terminated from the program.
THE CURRENT STATUS OF CALIFORNIA'S THREE STRIKES LAW California's Three Strikes law was enacted in 1994 in an effort to keep murderers and rapists off the streets. The law mandated that a defendant convicted of any felony with two, or more, prior strikes would receive a prison sentence of 25-to...
Is it better to take the breath or the blood test? Because of the problems with current blood testing methods and the fact that the district attorney will have only one test, instead of two, to use against you, it's usually better to choose blood.
The Crawford Law Firm has been committed to its clients for over fourteen years. With offices in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Salinas, CA, our focus is DUI and criminal defense cases in Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and San Luis Obispo counties.
Free consultations are by appointment and we here to ease your mind and fight for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.